They do things differently in...
Brazil, and more particularly in Sao Paulo. As I discover from the Romanian Times, of all things, Sao Paulo's metro is installing extra large, and extra strong seats for the benefit of local salad dodgers.
What is more, these are marked out as priority seats for the oversized, complete with a 'fatty' logo. And as such, the seats are being shunned by doubtless shamefaced people of size.
I would be quite happy for transport operators, and particularly airlines to charge based on total weight including luggage, especially if it means I never again suffer being wedged between two he doughnut enthusiasts for the duration of a flight.
What is more, these are marked out as priority seats for the oversized, complete with a 'fatty' logo. And as such, the seats are being shunned by doubtless shamefaced people of size.
I would be quite happy for transport operators, and particularly airlines to charge based on total weight including luggage, especially if it means I never again suffer being wedged between two he doughnut enthusiasts for the duration of a flight.
Labels: Health and inefficiency, travel
At last! I've been saying people + luggage weight limits should be imposed for ages. Why should someone of 100Kg+ have the same luggage allowance as me (70kgs)? Surely it costs the same to transport extra human weight as extra luggage weight?
Curses, should have checked here first before publishing the same story over at mine!
ASE - you got yours from Zagreb, I got mine from Bucharest. Anyway, there's more than enough of the story to do the rounds.
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