Before and After Science
Yet another eurobarometer survey with some utterly bizarre findings, this time focusing on 'young people' (15-25) and their attitudes to science etc.
The background as to what the youth of the various nations are interested in throws up some surprises. Britons along with Swedes are the least interested in sport - 51%, with Portos and Litvaks top at 81 and 80% respectively. 96% of Portos and Bulgars are just itching for domestic editions of Hello and Heat judging from their interest in 'culture' and 'entertainment'. Let's face it, they are not scanning their papers for reviews from La Scala, are they? Our youth are in the bottom half for interest in both economics (39%) and politics (42%), these being topped by Spaniards (56%) and Austrians (63%) respectively. Britons score poorly on interest in sundry scientific matters, although given the powerhouse that is Nokia, note that Finns are the least interested in ICT.
Anyway, on to those findings that make me want to find a corner, hold my head in my hands and rock gently:
27% of Luxembourgers disagree that 'Science brings more benefits than harm'. Doubtless they make little use of fridges and electric lights.
31% of Slovenes do not think that 'Science and technology make our lives healthier, easier and more comfortable'. They are probably shivering in the dark with the Luxembourgers.
65% of Gauls do not think that 'Science and technology will help eliminate poverty and hunger around the world'. Damn the internal combustion engine, and come to that the plough.
71% of Hellenes think that 'science is influenced too much by profit'. Show me the pharma company that develops drugs, at a loss, for fun....
Meanwhile, there does not seem to be much understanding of the logic of scientific discovery from the questioners - 'Scientific research should above all serve the development of knowledge'. Erm, it of necessity does. Scientists do not test theories and then curse the Gods because an experiment has 'failed'.
Anyway, back to my corner for some more rocking as 83% of Cypriots think 'Because of their knowledge, scientists have power that can make them dangerous'. Are there lots of Bond-type villains holed up in Nicosia? (Anyway, didn't they know that it was Scientist himself who managed to 'rid the world of the evil curse of the vampires'?)
To be continued.... Probably.
And indeed it is to be continued
Who's afraid of grey goo?
The Czechs - 38%, Britons - 33% etc. Danes and Litvaks are the most likely to think nanotech is a good thing. 41% of Maltese don't know.
Nuclear power?
The Czechs are the least worried, with 43% thinking 'at present there are more advantages than risks for society in scientific and technical innovations in the field of nuclear energy'. Only 12% of Greeks agree. Let's not tell them when fusion power is cracked, eh?
Given that our Czech friends have elected some fine people in their time, it is not altogether surprising that they are the least prone to GM food hysteria. The Hellenes (72%) and Romanians (72%) presumably wave crucifixes at cultivated roses.
(Pause while making a living gets in the way)
The background as to what the youth of the various nations are interested in throws up some surprises. Britons along with Swedes are the least interested in sport - 51%, with Portos and Litvaks top at 81 and 80% respectively. 96% of Portos and Bulgars are just itching for domestic editions of Hello and Heat judging from their interest in 'culture' and 'entertainment'. Let's face it, they are not scanning their papers for reviews from La Scala, are they? Our youth are in the bottom half for interest in both economics (39%) and politics (42%), these being topped by Spaniards (56%) and Austrians (63%) respectively. Britons score poorly on interest in sundry scientific matters, although given the powerhouse that is Nokia, note that Finns are the least interested in ICT.
Anyway, on to those findings that make me want to find a corner, hold my head in my hands and rock gently:
27% of Luxembourgers disagree that 'Science brings more benefits than harm'. Doubtless they make little use of fridges and electric lights.
31% of Slovenes do not think that 'Science and technology make our lives healthier, easier and more comfortable'. They are probably shivering in the dark with the Luxembourgers.
65% of Gauls do not think that 'Science and technology will help eliminate poverty and hunger around the world'. Damn the internal combustion engine, and come to that the plough.
71% of Hellenes think that 'science is influenced too much by profit'. Show me the pharma company that develops drugs, at a loss, for fun....
Meanwhile, there does not seem to be much understanding of the logic of scientific discovery from the questioners - 'Scientific research should above all serve the development of knowledge'. Erm, it of necessity does. Scientists do not test theories and then curse the Gods because an experiment has 'failed'.
Anyway, back to my corner for some more rocking as 83% of Cypriots think 'Because of their knowledge, scientists have power that can make them dangerous'. Are there lots of Bond-type villains holed up in Nicosia? (Anyway, didn't they know that it was Scientist himself who managed to 'rid the world of the evil curse of the vampires'?)
To be continued.... Probably.
And indeed it is to be continued
Who's afraid of grey goo?
The Czechs - 38%, Britons - 33% etc. Danes and Litvaks are the most likely to think nanotech is a good thing. 41% of Maltese don't know.
Nuclear power?
The Czechs are the least worried, with 43% thinking 'at present there are more advantages than risks for society in scientific and technical innovations in the field of nuclear energy'. Only 12% of Greeks agree. Let's not tell them when fusion power is cracked, eh?
Given that our Czech friends have elected some fine people in their time, it is not altogether surprising that they are the least prone to GM food hysteria. The Hellenes (72%) and Romanians (72%) presumably wave crucifixes at cultivated roses.
(Pause while making a living gets in the way)
Labels: EU fun and games, Eurobarometer, the youth of today - complete lightweights?
Off piste, but odd. Have you heard of Stefan Molyneux, Canadian anarcho-capitalist? He's been deleted from Wikip. On Sunday he was still on in Spanish & on Wapedia (en. & esp.). Now he's gone from Wapedia in eng. OK, he's been accused of running a cult, but so have lots of people.
Hmm, an edit war maybe?
'Because of their knowledge, scientists have power that can make them dangerous'.
Self-evidently true. After Chemistry O-level you would likely know enough to make gunpowder.
With an A-level, you would know enough to make the more powerful and destructive TNT.
With a degree, Semtex*.
With a PhD, CL-20*
And a Professor recently synthesised octanitrocubane.
There we have it: levels of danger increasing with scientific knowledge. QED. My utterly stupid, worthless point has been proved.
*I just can't be bothered to look up and write out the full names and they don't matter.
Fair enough Dave. I've got an 'O' level in Biology (a 'C') but do not think I'm a danger to anyone except myself.
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