... great clip! Remember when in residence in owld Dublin seeing Morrisey doing The Brother on otherwise awful RTE circa 197something... by the way, just found a quote from the immortal Myles/O Nolan/O Brien etc re politicians...
'The majority of the members of the Irish parliament are professional politicians, in the sense that otherwise they would not be given jobs minding mice at a crossroads.'
... great clip! Remember when in residence in owld Dublin seeing Morrisey doing The Brother on otherwise awful RTE circa 197something... by the way, just found a quote from the immortal Myles/O Nolan/O Brien etc re politicians...
'The majority of the members of the Irish parliament are professional politicians, in the sense that otherwise they would not be given jobs minding mice at a crossroads.'
Remind you of any of our lot?
Slainte or something...
... that was, of course, Eamonn Morrisey...
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