Keeping a sense of proportion...
The Brothers and Sisters have woken up to the possibility that the 11 long free lunch could be about to end:
"Richard O'Brien, Unite's Director of Communications will warn that the "Tories are intent on turning their guns on the unions again if they get back into government."
Well yes, I would certainly hope so.
And there's more:
"Trade unions took a battering in the 80s and 90s as the conservative government imposed restrictions on strike action and shut down great swathes of industry where unions were organised. Its not been a picnic under Labour but it seems the Tories are intent on turning their guns on the unions again if they get back into government".
Oh yes, that's exactly what happened. The wicked Tories just 'shut down great swathes of industry' purely to spite the syndicalists, and no mention of trade union reforms being popular not just with the general public but most trade union members too.
And then this:
"Union TV will also expose the courage of union activists in Colombia who face death on a daily basis. To be a trade unionist in Colombia – organising for better wages and working conditions for your colleagues - can cost you your life".
That is about as much of an exposé as reporting that it is no walk in the park being an MDC supporter in Zim.
And here comes the clincher:
"Richard O'Brien, Unite's Director of Communications says, "Working people across the globe face challenges from the right in differing extremes".
Linking death squads with acts of parliament, yeah, that's fair and responsible.
"Richard O'Brien, Unite's Director of Communications will warn that the "Tories are intent on turning their guns on the unions again if they get back into government."
Well yes, I would certainly hope so.
And there's more:
"Trade unions took a battering in the 80s and 90s as the conservative government imposed restrictions on strike action and shut down great swathes of industry where unions were organised. Its not been a picnic under Labour but it seems the Tories are intent on turning their guns on the unions again if they get back into government".
Oh yes, that's exactly what happened. The wicked Tories just 'shut down great swathes of industry' purely to spite the syndicalists, and no mention of trade union reforms being popular not just with the general public but most trade union members too.
And then this:
"Union TV will also expose the courage of union activists in Colombia who face death on a daily basis. To be a trade unionist in Colombia – organising for better wages and working conditions for your colleagues - can cost you your life".
That is about as much of an exposé as reporting that it is no walk in the park being an MDC supporter in Zim.
And here comes the clincher:
"Richard O'Brien, Unite's Director of Communications says, "Working people across the globe face challenges from the right in differing extremes".
Linking death squads with acts of parliament, yeah, that's fair and responsible.
Working people faced rather harsher "challenges" in countries run by the kind of people that Unite would have in...
I think the unions had better wait a couple of years before worrying too much about evil Tory oppression. With all the public service strikes now in the pipeline over the next few months to break the 2.5% pay rise limit, they should be focusing more on evil New Labour oppression.
"To be a trade unionist in Colombia – organising for better wages and working conditions for your colleagues - can cost you your life".
What's not to like?
I think he'll find that British heavy industry was quite capable of collapsing under the weight of international competition without the Conservatives having to lift a finger.
According to an snippet in The Economist (Apr 10th 2008), "Colombian union members get killed at a lower rate than the population at large"
They don't cite the source of that statement, but it seems odd that so many trade union bodies seem to think that being a union activist is dangerous - when in fact it seems to be the sure fire way to increase your personal safety.
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