"As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly"
Or the man who hasn't got it wrong once, twice, fifty times or even five hundred times:
"That this House puts on record that the hon. Member for Bolsover has voted in an estimated 11,000 divisions since June 1970; notes that although other hon. Members have served longer they have been nowhere near as diligent as the hon. Member in voting and that in the past there were fewer votes; therefore considers that the hon. Member for Bolsover deserves acknowledgement in the Guinness Book of Records as the hon. Member to have voted the most in Parliament and almost certainly any Parliament in the world; and warmly congratulates the hon. Member on his democratic achievement".
His recent voting record is here.
Thanks due to Hunter for offering me this nugget.
"That this House puts on record that the hon. Member for Bolsover has voted in an estimated 11,000 divisions since June 1970; notes that although other hon. Members have served longer they have been nowhere near as diligent as the hon. Member in voting and that in the past there were fewer votes; therefore considers that the hon. Member for Bolsover deserves acknowledgement in the Guinness Book of Records as the hon. Member to have voted the most in Parliament and almost certainly any Parliament in the world; and warmly congratulates the hon. Member on his democratic achievement".
His recent voting record is here.
Thanks due to Hunter for offering me this nugget.
Labels: Parliament, the Left
If you hang around long enough everything becomes a national institution. I saw him droning on about the Queen the other day its like being ina time machine
never liked him , never will
Eleven thousand proposed laws in 30 years? Eleven thousand? Could we have a law that declares anything over 50 proposed laws a year illegal?
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