Bournemouth is noisier than Croydon
Whoever would have thought it, but a report by a UCL academic (so it must be true) at the behest of a Danish hearing aid company has been checking ambient decibel levels at rush hour in sundry towns and cities in this Great Nation of Ours. Newcastle comes top at 80.4, "equivalent to a loud alarm clock constantly ringing in your ear" and Torquay "a relatively peaceful 60 decibels, the same as listening to a normal conversation". There is probably a poor taste joke about the noise of slow-motion zimmer frame crashes to be had here...
Croydon comes in at 75.2 to Bournemouth's 76, and Brighton's 74.3.
Croydon comes in at 75.2 to Bournemouth's 76, and Brighton's 74.3.
Ah, that would be my fault. My apologies C.
Maybe this is something for Will Alsop to consider as he goes about 're-visioning' croydon.
Should it be quieter...or noisier?
What's better?
Oh my word. I will be keeping any eye on that. Thanks for the link.
Right now quiet is good...
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