The Obesity Panic
It isn't just here you know - it has spread to France, with it reported in Liberation that nearly a third of the French population are 'overweight or obese'. So much for that 'Why don't French women get fat?' bestseller - unless the 19.8m are all chaps of course.
There are all sorts of intriguing factoids in the research, like the note that in nine years the average Gaul has put on 2.1 kilos but only grown 4mm. The North, East and the Paris basin have seen the biggest increases, apparently
There are all sorts of intriguing factoids in the research, like the note that in nine years the average Gaul has put on 2.1 kilos but only grown 4mm. The North, East and the Paris basin have seen the biggest increases, apparently
Which best seller?
I've updated the post to include a link.
That's made my day.
On a totally different subject, but one that might be close to your heart, I thought you might like to check this story out (close your knees tight first!)
Happy to do my bit to spread a little cheer.....
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I'm apparently morbidly obese according to the BMI,I'm 17-5 stone,body fat at 22% which is good for my size, and still able to handle some of the flightier middleweights for speed(but only over two rounds)
having said that ie the figures probably aren't as bad as that,French people still need to wash more.
So's Russell Crowe apparently, so I wouldn't worry unduly.
Just read in the Times that people are fatter in China too and they blame their increased prosperity and junk food.
Just read in the Times that people are fatter in China too and they blame their increased prosperity and junk food.
well, the Mohammedan lands know no shortage of the accursed obese ones either. As anybody who has ever used public transport in Egypt or Kuwait can easily confirm...
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