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The joys of Croydon.....

Two years ago the scum element decided to riot after France beat England, causing a huge amount of damage and a fair few injuries. In the aftermath there were posters in all the local pubs of CCTV screen grabs of those being sought, with rewards offered for information etc etc. A waggish friend christened them 'Spot a chav and win a prize' posters, which seemed about right. Anyway, so far so good on the riot etc front, although CR0 on a Saturday night is rather like the Fall of Rome, so I avoid it.

I watched the game in question in a French bar in Clapham, and the Gauls and their Amen Corner literally danced in the street. This was all quite entertaining, and made for a far more pleasant rounding off to the occasion than being surrounded by drunk and aggressive English 'fans'.


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