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BBC coverage of Israel

"BBC correspondent Caroline Hawley in Jerusalem says it is not clear why the army moved against Hamad."

So, being the architect of mass murder is insufficient reason to seek his capture? Maybe the Israeli government won't go along with the BBC's agenda that it is in the way of all of those nice moderate Arabs and allow itself to be homicide bombed out of existence in order to please 'anti-Zionists'?

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Blogger Croydonian said... 9:22 am

I see Stephen Pollard has made use of the same BBC comment on his blog.  

Blogger Croydonian said... 11:12 am

Barbara, putting on my liberal hat for the second time in a week, one could say that the web piece was poorly structured, and an interpretation could go either way.

As to what is happening in Zim, my position on the land seizures is entirely predictable (I'm not keen), but for me the key point is that the seizures are not being done in a way that is transparent, predictable and under the rule of law. I would think that a focus on those failures would be a more suitable area for journalistic editorialising rather than one focused on the ethnicity of those involved or even the underlying ideology.  

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