Has David Cameron become the Nameless One for Labour?
Listening to 'Today' this morning, I was struck by Harriet Harman's use of language - every time she had the opportunity to say 'David Cameron' she either used 'the Leader of the Conservative Party' or 'he'.
Clearly 'the Leader of the House' would have been heavily briefed ahead of her chat with Humphries, so I would suggest that it is now Labour's comms policy not to refer to Cameron by name, the reckoning being that the battle against Cameron the man is lost, and the better approach is, so to speak, to smear him as 'a Conservative'. Either that, or he strikes such terror into them that they cannot bear to mention him by name.
Further documentation of outbreaks of this would be most welcome.
(This underwent alpha testing as a tweet, but I could not get it down to 140 characters)
Clearly 'the Leader of the House' would have been heavily briefed ahead of her chat with Humphries, so I would suggest that it is now Labour's comms policy not to refer to Cameron by name, the reckoning being that the battle against Cameron the man is lost, and the better approach is, so to speak, to smear him as 'a Conservative'. Either that, or he strikes such terror into them that they cannot bear to mention him by name.
Further documentation of outbreaks of this would be most welcome.
(This underwent alpha testing as a tweet, but I could not get it down to 140 characters)
Labels: David Cameron, Harman, language 'truth' and not much logic
the definitive test of this will be how Mandy chooses his oh-so-careful words in the coming days
BTW my working hypothesis is as follows:
- Mandy cooks up the lines and the lies
- the stooges, equipped thus, are set in front of the microphones to peddle said confections ...
- ... except for the really egregious lies & sophistries, which Mandy only trusts himself to deliver
I'll try to keep notes as rerquested
And not for the first time, I find myself in agreement.
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