Ségo rips of Danton /and/ Blair
"C’est pourquoi l’éducation, encore l’éducation, toujours l’éducation est au cœur du pacte présidentiel". Source
And the source material: "il nous faut de l'audace, et encore de l'audace, et toujours de l'audace", and 'Education, education, education', so she isn't very good at quoting either.
And the source material: "il nous faut de l'audace, et encore de l'audace, et toujours de l'audace", and 'Education, education, education', so she isn't very good at quoting either.
Wikipedia tells us that on his march to the guillotine, Danton remarked ruefully that he was being forced from the stage at just the wrong time:
"I leave it all in a frightful welter; not a man of them has an idea of government."
One imagines that Blair knows how he felt.
The quote I remember is
"L'audace, l'audace, toujours l'audace." Is this misremembered or someone else altogether?
She is dreadful/ Absolut (Vodka)copyright infringement of pathetic Blair. I will still vote for her as I pay my tax in the UK and cannot vote here.
Mr E: Perhaps he was the source/inspiration for that brilliant Kenneth Williams line: "Infamy, infamy, they've all fot it in for me"???
oops "got". Sticky fingers; sorry
But Nomad, 'to fot' sounds like one of those old English verbs (Elizabethan?) for doing something very improper but commonplace if unmentionable.
It's a great verb.
Blair at least has a quote. Mrs Royal will sink back to obscurity in a few short months and Mr Broon is incapable of summing up any of his hysterically socialistic diatribes.
Rips of?
Why shdn't see rip of Mr Blair? It's better than her usual content free nonsense. "La France Presidente"? Wossat mean?
One late night and a ISP failure later...
Mr E - a telling quote.
David - nope, I had the right one. That is essentially it though, isn't it?
GdM - Indeed. It was Arlette last time wasn't it?
Nomad - Could be...
HG - Like 'tup' and 'swive'. I particularly like 'swive'.
I suppose we can look forward to 'Les choses peuvent seulement aller mieux' as her campaign song.
Yes ..an old black ram is tupping your white ewe ...is effective in Othello.
Isn`t frotting something Deers do in the mating season ?
Mania, perhaps that is a vice also known to deer, but it is more commonly done by dirty old men on underground trains.
When translating some early Italian poems into English I was taken by how much of the imagery derived from the same usages in the two languages. The words are different, (though often evocative of an English word) but the mind sets are twinned.
Swive is just so. Did Shakespeare spend time in Italy? I'm quite ignorant of where he was and when.
HG - Not as far as I know, although Burgess created a fictional meeting of Shakespeare and Cervantes in Burgos. Given that WS took an awful lot of material from Italian writers (most of his plots....), perhaps he was dealing with very direct translations from Italian / Latin.
This belongs much earlier but I was waylaid by someone called tbngu being unforgivably dishonest.
I discover that Shakespeare translates surprisingly readily into Italian, although really early Italian poetry like Dante, doesn't change over from one language to the other with any grace at all.
So what was it about late 1500s and 1600s Italian and English writing that set them up so similarly? It's not a common classical heritage or it would be present in e.g. Buonarotti, as well as earlier with D., and it isn't. Was there a massive export of Italian poetry form and style into English, as there was with music, that even survived translation?
Wading here into an ocean of scholarship that shelves so swiftly I'm still wearing water wings.
Does English literature of that period (and presumably common language use to some degree) lean heavily on earlier Italian models? Has the rinascimento struck again?
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