It's late, I'm tired, but a cheerfully silly thought occurs: the EU would be better if we slung out all the Republics. We could invite the Norwegians to join too, in our Constitutional Monarchy club. I know Spain looks a bit odd, but their King did such a sterling job for democracy when his country needed him - and, hell, we and the Dutch need somewhere warm to retire to. Wotcha fink?
I'll be honest, I'm a republican, but El Rey did indeed do a sterling job for the Spaniards at the time of the coup a few years back. Also the Queen of Denmark has translated Camus from the French, so clearly an able woman.
The Dutch are sound and would be even better if they kicked out all the muslim dross , I dont trust the spics , My family have always thoiugh highly of the Norwegians, m grandfather liberated the whole country (so he claimed) and had plenty of excellent seafood and sex,my mother visited Norway for the first time aged 17 with another 17 year old girl yo go mountaineering (not at all like her poncy son)and the Nowegian allow you to own a machinegun , apart from the fact thats its f****** freezing most of the year and the taxes are cripling , a good place with good people.
It's late, I'm tired, but a cheerfully silly thought occurs: the EU would be better if we slung out all the Republics. We could invite the Norwegians to join too, in our Constitutional Monarchy club. I know Spain looks a bit odd, but their King did such a sterling job for democracy when his country needed him - and, hell, we and the Dutch need somewhere warm to retire to. Wotcha fink?
I'll be honest, I'm a republican, but El Rey did indeed do a sterling job for the Spaniards at the time of the coup a few years back. Also the Queen of Denmark has translated Camus from the French, so clearly an able woman.
any chance to kick the french in the balls....I'm in
The Dutch are sound and would be even better if they kicked out all the muslim dross , I dont trust the spics , My family have always thoiugh highly of the Norwegians, m grandfather liberated the whole country (so he claimed) and had plenty of excellent seafood and sex,my mother visited Norway for the first time aged 17 with another 17 year old girl yo go mountaineering (not at all like her poncy son)and the Nowegian allow you to own a machinegun , apart from the fact thats its f****** freezing most of the year and the taxes are cripling , a good place with good people.
I feel very positive towards both the Dutch and the Norwegians, although I believe the Norwegians have savagely expensive booze.
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