The Blairs in Barbados
I see that Euan Blair, he of the ill-advised facial hair and friend to DC's night life has contracted a stomach complaint. I imagine the scope for mischief in Barbados when his family is around is limited, but one might note that 'stomach complain', along with 'exhaustion', is one of those euphemisms publicists use as a code for suffering the after effects of over indulgence. And the boy does have form.
I see that Euan Blair, he of the ill-advised facial hair and friend to DC's night life has contracted a stomach complaint. I imagine the scope for mischief in Barbados when his family is around is limited, but one might note that 'stomach complain', along with 'exhaustion', is one of those euphemisms publicists use as a code for suffering the after effects of over indulgence. And the boy does have form.
Labels: Mr Tony, West Indies
Hey! Eeeeerie! That photo of the little scrote in your link looks like Princess Di!
Anyway, he's a nasty, self-indulgent, self-referential little shit. The sooner the British get this nauseating family exxed out of British public life, the better.
Funny how none of the kids looks like Tony, hein? Not even by a stretch of the imagination.
But now that he's grown up, don't you think he looks rather Italianate?
Verity's in love.
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Verity's not interested in rug rats. thomas fuller is projecting, I fear.
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