An awesome fisking by Praguetory.
The other day I saw a spectacularly foolish article in The Guardian on post '89 Eastern and Central Europe which I suggested to PT merited a demolition job, and that with his knowledge of the area that he was ideally placed so to do. He has duly stepped up to the plate, so stand by to be impressed.
Here it is
Here it is
Labels: Blogging about blogging
Thanks for the plug Croydonian. I am deeply honoured. Toying with mailing the fisk to the author Neil Clark who gave his hotmail address with the piece.
No more than your very strong piece richly deserved. If in my own small way I've helped to publicise it to other folk I'm more than happy to have helped. Meanwhile, hope you've had a good weekend away from the, erm, blogface.
And go on - send it to him.
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